Ortopedie, Stomatologie, Rehabilitace a fyzikální medicína, Praktický lékař pro dospělé, Kožní (dermatovenerologie), Neurologie, Oční, Alergologie a klinická imunologie, Klinická farmacie, Pediatrie, Gynekologie a porodnictví, Endokrinologie a diabetologie, Radiologie a zobrazovací metody
MUDr. Štefan Kukura
Ordinační hodiny
V parku 2308/8 Praha 4, 14800
Canadian Medical Care The Park
Smluvní pojišťovny
S doktorem se domluvíte těmito jazyky
- Čeština
Hodnocení lékaře
Tracy Burns - 29. 5. 2019
MUDr. Štefan Kukura is a very kind doctor with extraordinary knowledge about the medical profession. He truly cares about the health of his patients and is dedicated to helping them. When I was terrified of having my first medical procedure with anesthesia, his support greatly helped me. His English is impeccable.
S čím nám doktor pomohl
Tracy Burns - 29. 5. 2019
MUDr. Štefan Kukura is a very kind doctor with extraordinary knowledge about the medical profession. He truly cares about the health of his patients and is dedicated to helping them. When I was terrified of having my first medical procedure with anesthesia, his support greatly helped me. His English is impeccable.